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Look Who’s Helping Whom? Too: An Action Research Project (Avizia Long, Elizabeth Herring Dudek)
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Metas and Mindsets in the Heritage Spanish Classroom (David Giancaspro)
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Obviating the Mood, but Very Much under Control: An Analysis of Spanish Heritage Speakers’ Knowledge of Binding Constraints (Silvia Perez-Cortes)
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Percepciones de los aprendices de español como lengua heredada sobre la auto-evaluación y la revisión entre pares en la escritura de ensayos académicos (Yuly Asención-Delaney)
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Resistance and Reproduction of Eurocentric Notions of Language, Literacy, and Culture in Wyoming Dual Language Immersion Classrooms (Chelsea Escalante, Cynthia Brock, Jenna Shim, Cecilia Aragón)
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The Concept of Grammar: Differences in Students of Spanish as a Heritage Language, Students of Spanish as a Second Language, and Native Speakers (Carlos Enrique Ibarra)
The Distribution of the Middle Voice with Psych Verbs in Heritage Spanish (Becky Gonzalez)
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The Impact of Task Complexity and Language Proficiency on the Written Production of Second-Generation Spanish Heritage Speakers (Vivian H. Franco Díaz)
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The Interpretation and Production of Inalienable Possession in L2 and Heritage Spanish (Laura Solano, Alejandro Cuza)
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