Video removed at the authors’ request.
Diseño de un curso de herencia de nivel intermedio desde un enfoque crítico y contenidos basados en la justicia social (Eva Gómez García)
Disrupting Discourses of Capable Illiterate Bilingual Latinx Students through Curricular Analysis (Erica Saldívar García)
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“De esto se trata”: A Post-Process Spanish Language and Culture Curriculum for Latinx Students (Maria Luisa Parra, Carolina Melgarejo-Torres)
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La educación descolonizadora: hablantes de herencia y resistencia cultural (María Datel)
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Language Ideologies in Instructors of Spanish as a Heritage Language (Michael Rolland)
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Language Ideologies in the Spanish Heritage Language Classroom: (Mis)alignment Between Instructor and Students’ Realities (Leslie Del Carpio, Valeria Ochoa)
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Resistance and Reproduction of Eurocentric Notions of Language, Literacy, and Culture in Wyoming Dual Language Immersion Classrooms (Chelsea Escalante, Cynthia Brock, Jenna Shim, Cecilia Aragón)
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