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8 Replies to “Language Ideologies in the Spanish Heritage Language Classroom: (Mis)alignment Between Instructor and Students’ Realities (Leslie Del Carpio, Valeria Ochoa)”
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Great presentation! Thank you for sharing this work!
The excerpts you presented in the results section are so interesting! I just wanted to ask if you have used or plan to use the data you collected for developing any type of pedagogical tool for the SHL classroom or even for professional development of SHL instructors. If so, could you please share with us any suggestions you may have?
Thank you so much! ?
Thank you so much for your comment! We do tend to closely align our research with our pedagogical practices, though Leslie and I have yet to delve deeply into creating professional development opportunities for instructors. It would be a wonderful future direction and I appreciate you pointing that out. Gracias de nuevo. – Valeria
I absolutely LOVE that one of your participants uses a bilingual compound verb. Something like ‘hacer fit in’.
Oops. Hit send too soon. Also, I am interested in the idea expressed by that one teacher in which they worried that beyond SHL classes they would be forced to encounter hegemonic ideologies. I had an instructor in our program that thought we needed to protect them less who used the metaphor “We don’t have to always round off the sharp corners”. Do you have any thoughts on how to facilitate the HL path to classes beyond the SHL program?
Hey Damián! Thanks so much watching and for your feedback. I also thought it was neat that the second participant used “hacer fit” since she was what one would call “Spanish dominant”, so it was particularly neat that she would at times say things like that. As far as ideas for facilitating the HL path beyond the program itself, I have a few ideas. I really enjoyed reading the proposal by Calhoun et al. (2021) on attracting Black students to linguistics, and I think many of these ideas can be implemented at different institutions for SHL learners. My peers and I have also considered putting together a workshop, video series, or modules (for Canvas or other learning systems), that overview SHL students and their needs. These ideas could be presented as professional development for colleagues outside of the SHL program to get a sense of how to approach teaching these types of learners. These are just some ideas, but I hope we get to talk more soon! – Valeria
Gracias por su excelente e interesante presentación! Este tema de la continuidad entre cursos es muy importante. Yo creo que si los estudiantes terminan los cursos conscientes de la existencia de las ideologías lingüísticas y saben que seguramente serán parte de otros cursos podrán manejarse mucho mejor y más seguros. Felicidades 🙂
¡Muchas gracias por su comentario! Estoy completamente de acuerdo. Nos gustaría poder investigar un poco más como la continuidad entre cursos y la conciencia de estas ideologías se presentan en las tareas de los cursos. Espero que los estudiantes que terminan los cursos conscientes de estas ideologías puedan también ser una inspiración para en resto de sus compañeros.
Thank you very much for this informative and interesting presentation! My questions for you are the following: Were the students’ writing samples written as part of the class and if so, were they explicitly about their beliefs and their use of language or how was this topic inquired in the writing tasks? How do you think that we can encourage a more inclusive perspective about language on teachers/institutions that have a more prescriptive ideology? I feel that when talking about ideologies or beliefs, it is very difficult to persuade people since these are part of their identity and idiosyncrasy.