Author Bio
Joaquin Espinoza was born in La Paz, Bolivia and is currently a student of South County High School. He is the winner of the 8th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language where he got the Poem award for one of the best poems in the contest. Joaquin has a dad that keeps him positive and brings him love and effort every day. His mom who always looks for him, gives him a reason to live life and brings him love and effort every day. He has two siblings who takes care of each other and have many awesome times. He loves to play video games, hang out with friends, and he likes to play a lot of sports. Joaquin is a very good student at his school, and he would like to become a chef and have one of the best restaurants. He moved to the United States in 2017 to have a good future and be successful on each step that he takes in life.